George carlin youtube hippy dippy weather man
George carlin youtube hippy dippy weather man

george carlin youtube hippy dippy weather man

“By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth,” read a message on Mr. Carlin, who performed earlier this month at the Orleans hotel in Las Vegas, had a history of heart problems. The cause was heart failure, said his publicist, Jeff Abraham. McConnell is mighty annoyed at Democrats for finally giving in and agreeing with him ( msnbc.George Carlin, whose astringent stand-up comedy made him an heir of Lenny Bruce, who gave voice to an indignant counterculture and assaulted the barricades of censorship on behalf of a generation of comics that followed him, died on Sunday in Santa Monica, Calif. Shoulda put some Torquemada in it and saved everyone some trouble ( ) » (15 comments) Except for the crypto-Jews of Spain - they saw that sh*t coming from a mile away while they were eating this delicious overnight stew.

george carlin youtube hippy dippy weather man

Peregrine has a flying perch ( ) » (12 comments) Ru$ell T Davie$ $tate$ why he'$ returning to Doctor Who $erie$ ( ) » (14 comments) Hey Alien Baby, Come to Butthead ( ) » (20 comments) In other news, the Vatican has an observatory ( ) » (18 comments) Vatican observatory discovers new solar system object. It's not like he knows anyone who works at Microsoft or anything like that ( ) » (0 comments) Warren Buffet "luckily" buys stock right before Microsoft "coincidentally" buys it out. Fark needs a spliffy tag ( ) » (30 comments) The Jamaican bobsled team came in 4.20 seconds off the lead, because of course they did. Buried lede: This happens every 5 days or so around the US, and the USPS just assumes it's what happens when mail trucks get to a certain age ( ) » (10 comments) Postal truck explodes in family's driveway. I'm tired of systems that try to explain everything and I'm tired of systems by defensive white men that insist that their systems don't fail, they can only be failed. These days I stick to transformational analysis, mostly.

george carlin youtube hippy dippy weather man

He even admitted his was an inelegant analysis, and I felt vindicated in my decision. One of the professors showed me his own Schenker analysis of the piece, and it was a bendy, twisty mess. At my orals, I showed my notes and why I rejected Schenker. I eventually abandoned it and went with Riemann, and that worked much better. I of course began with Schenker, but I just felt like I was doing far too much shoehorning for it to be convincing. Part of my theory comps was to write a brief analysis of a short Chopin prelude. Of course, only a tiny sliver of human music fits his "ideal," and, gee, all that music was written by white European men. It became real apparent quickly how uselessly dogmatic he was, and if music didn't fit his system, it was the music that was wrong. I had the misfortune of getting my PhD (composition, music theory as a supporting area) at a school that was super into Schenker. Of course this was always focused on western art music, with little regard for folk music and no regard whatsoever for music of the rest of human civilization. So much of music theory history is tied up in some weird pseudo-spiritual nonsense, and because a whole bunch of white dudes got into it during the Enlightenment, it seems like everyone was searching for the One Universal System by which all music can be dissected. hope this is of interest to some farkers :) And it follows on how dominant power structures (language, music, laws, culture, etc) dictate the narrative. Yeah, it's a deep dive but worth a listen. those who win write the history) give Adam Neely's take on Western Music. I know this discussion is about CRT, but if you are interested in 'power dynamics' (ie.

George carlin youtube hippy dippy weather man